WIRES-X Policies

The following are WMDRA Policies pertaining to the NE-OREGON WIRES-X Room:

  • All other courtesy and etiquette standards and policies apply to the NE-OREGON room.
  • The name of the “room” is NE-OREGON or Northeast Oregon. It shall remain that way due to tradition.
  • Anyone who would like, may park a node in the room. It is requested that if you wish to leave it there permanently that you let us know who you are, and where your located. Approval is not needed, we just like to know who’s in here, and what added coverage/resources they bring to further enhance our WiresX community.
  • WMDRA WIRES-X Repeaters, with their associated nodes, are locked into the NE-OREGON room and can not be moved by non-members.
  • If your node, gateway or repeater is in our room we ask that you enforce our policies while it is in our room. If you need to vary temporarily from one of our policies, we ask that you move your node from the room.