PREAMBLE: We the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in both the Amateur, and GMRS Radio hobby, constitute ourselves The Weston Mountain Digital Radio Association, and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and co-operation between members, promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operation proficiency. Our desire is to conduct club programs and community activities to advance the interest and welfare of Amateur Radio, and General Mobile Radio Service in our communities.
MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission at the WMDRA is to mentor new hams, enhance fellowship among Radio Amateurs, and GMRS Operators, provide emergency communications support to our communities, and further the interests of Amateur, and GMRS radio. This shall be accomplished by the providing of guidance, mentoring, assistance and encouragement geared toward our communities, and new Amateur Radio, and GMRS operators.
DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS: Section 1 β The President shall preside over at all meetings of membership, and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He/she shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and By-Laws, and decide all questions of order. Sign all official documents that are adopted by the association and none other. Perform all other duties in decision making pertaining to the office of the President.
Section 2 β Members will have equal say in all matters pertaining to the setting of policies, and the general management of the WMDRA system.
MEMBERSHIP: Persons interested in becoming members shall first be submitted for consideration by any current member, and vetted by the membership. After having been vetted, and found to be of good morel, and ethical character, acceptance or denial of membership shall be voted on by the membership requiring a unanimous vote for acceptance.
MEETINGS: The By-Laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, a minimum of two (2) members is required and shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of business.
STATION TRUSTEE: The station trustee of the club license shall be a member in good standing, holding a class of license that is appropriate to the repeaters, and club call sign (W7NEO). Control operators appointed by individual repeater owners shall have complete jurisdiction to take whatever actions they deem appropriate in order to maintain said repeater in question within complete compliance of WMDRA policies.
DUES: Currently there are no requirements for membership dues.
OFFICIAL COMPENSATION: No Officer or Director of the Association shall be compensated for any service rendered thereto; but upon approval of the membership, may be compensated/reimbursed for expenses they might incur in itsβ behalf.
AMMENDMENTS: These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment will accompany notice of the meeting. Internet and/or email notification shall suffice in notification requirements for such amendments.
Weston Mountain Digital Radio Association
Revised December, 2024