Our Repeaters
WMDRA obviously prefers digital modes as our name would suggest, but we also own a few analog repeaters. Below are coverage plots of both our digital and our analog systems.
The Weston Mountain Digital Radio Association owns and manages the following repeaters (Click on individual repeaters for full information):
W7NEO Analog, Cabbage Hill 146.88MHZ
W7NEO Analog, Weston Mt 441.700MHZ
W7NEO-RPT1 Digital Weston Mt 147.040MHZ
W7NEO-RPT2 Digital, Cabbage Hill 444.975MHZ
N7NKT Analog, Cabbage Hill 224.560MHz
WRYF803 Analog, Cabbage Hill 462.625MHz
WRCY420 Analog, Weston Mt 462.625MHz
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NE-OREGON YSF Reflector #24415
NE-OREGON HUB Allstar Server #536183
Crossmode from DMR – YSF Talkgroup #7024415